A project being implemented for IoT lesson in postgraduate studies of A.T.E.I Thessaloniki's on APPLIED ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS. In this project, a KY-038 sound sensor is connected to an ESP32-WROOM-32D development board.
Medición de nivel de llenado de silo con arroz y transmisión de datos vía WIFI
Temperatura (DS18B20) y Humedad (Sensor Capacitivo) del Compost además, Temperatura y Humedad Relativa del entorno de la compostera utilizando un sensor DHT22
A device which measures and predicts water potability using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Sensors used in this project are TDS, pH, Turbidity, and Temperature. This project aims to aid difficulty in measuring water potability in rural areas in the Phi
NodeMCU V2 for CU Hos Project Temperature Humidity Diff-Pressure Dust Sensor