Currently an Arduino Mega is sending soil moisture values from a houseplant once an hour. Moisture settings from a houseplant: Sensor Output Value in dry soil: 0 to 300, Sensor Output Value in humid wet: 300 to 700, Sensor Output Value
Este canal se emplea para registrar los datos de 8 sensores: 4 DHT11, 4 Moisture Sensor V 1.2. Estos datos se mostrarán en 8 campos, 4 de temperatura ambiente y 4 de humedad de tierra.
Smart irrigation system to water a garden by monitoring humid, temp, light and moisture.
This project is designed to develop smart monitoring and automated irrigation system.
Smart Farming is an IOT based system build for monitoring the crop fields with the help of sensors and automatic irrigation system. A farmer can monitor the field condition from anywhere and collect the crop data or analysis.
Plants Health Monitoring system using IOT. Identifying the current temperature, humidity and moisture of the plants through IOT device.
Monitor the moisture of plant's pot with some additional parameters