Environmental sensor data using 3 sensors - DHT22, BMP180 and DS18B20 connected to a Raspberry Pi 3
This is the complete sensor suite at a particular time. Atmospheric pressure is adjusted to sea level. This data is acquired with an ESP8266 Wemos using the source code at https://github.com/kentaylor/esp8266-weather-station.
This is the complete sensor suite at a particular time. Atmospheric pressure is adjusted to sea level. This data is acquired with an ESP8266 Wemos using the source code at https://github.com/kentaylor/esp8266-weather-station.
This channel shows temperature and pressure logged by Matt's Raspberry Pi and a BMP180 sensor.
Temp, Hum and Pressure testing with Arduino uno and Ethernet Shield at Workbench
Manama Al Seef - BME680 Temperature - Humidity & CCS811 Air Quality sensors
Kispest - Időjárás állomás Hőmérséklet, páratartalom, légnyomás. NODEMCU ESP8266, DHT11, BMP180