Arduino Uno WiFi REV2 temperature of pool and solar panel control + weather in Osek u Duchcova, Czech Republic, MAX 6675 thermocouple and BME280
Solar meteo mini weather station located in Czech Republic, Brno - Líšeň with BME280, DS12B20
weather station, CA110AY, Cumbria, UK, measures temp, pressure, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and wind direction. :) My twitter page can be found here :
Weather station based on esp8266 and BME280 sensor. Upload to every 1 minutes. Read data from sensor every 3 seconds and post them on serial and oled screen. Every 3 minutes i get data from
Weather Station using Wemos D1 Mini PRO and Temperature Humidity and Pressure sensors Powered By MR WATT
test meteo sensors (bme280 + esp8266 ) temperature, humidity, pressure in Milano city
This ThingSpeak channel is used to demonstrate cloud connectivity for my IoT thesis project device.
Meteostation using ESP8266 (Wemos D1 mini) 3D printed parts and BME 280 sensor