esp8266 collect outdoor temperature from Dallas ds18b20 and indoor temperature acompany with atmospher pressure from BMP180 sensor. OpenWRT + Mosquitto + Node-Red used for aquisition and publish the data.
WEATHER STATION -nodemcu+dht11+bmp180 -logging time 10 minute -beta-version of the project -added deepsleep -added battery+voltage monitoring
simple ESP8266 device that collects temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, and light.
ESP32.envio temperaturas de 3 sensores: Digital DS18B20, BMP180, analogico LM35, temp media, presion, y sensor efecto hall incluido en sistema ESP
"Barbastatione 0.2" Weather Station (Temperature - Humidity - Pressure and Dew Point). Created with ESP8266-DHT11, BMP180 and TSL2561 - -The station is located in Fabriano (AN)- Italy.- --- Reading every 20min---
Weather Station powered with LOLIN ESP8266 and DHT and BMP sensors.