This is the Live Weather and Air Quality of Santoshpur, Kolkata, India. Provides the current temperature, pressure and humidity, Air Quality Index 1.0, 2.5 and 10. Running on a battery powered ESP32 paired with BME680 sensor and PMS7003 sensor.
Server room monitoring with DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor by a NodeMCU ESP12-E control device.
Server adopted for the collection of temperature and humidity data measured at home
DHT11 temperature & humidity sensor at ScaDS.AI on NodeMCU
Measuring outside temerature , relative humidity , dew point temperature, barometric pressure with a solar powered esp8266-07 wifi module a Si7021 humidity sensor,a DS18B20 temperature sensor and a bmp180 barometric pressure sensor. Power source is a 3
I prepared this channel for summer training in kiit university