This is GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector module with SBM20 tube. Kyiv, Ukraine Also im tweeting live at
Program is written thanks Bunny: and Data are sending also:
Microclimate Weather broadcast for 91977 - NodeMCU ESP-12E v1 - Temperature & Humidity - Barometric pressure - Ambient light - Argent Anemometer/Vane - Argent Rain gauge
Testing ESP-01 ( esp8266 ) + bmp180 + ds18b20 + Si702x. Power supply is 5v->3.3v with some small and cheap stepdown module from ebay.
Capture my Swimming pool data using an ESP8266. Duplicated on a local web interface. Also posted to MySQL via PHP Post.
Weather station based on esp8266 and BME280 sensor. Upload to every 1 minutes. Read data from sensor every 3 seconds and post them on serial and oled screen. Every 3 minutes i get data from
Project ini menggunakan sensor DHT 11 dan Soil Moisture untuk memonitoring kelembaban tanah.
Temperature in Leonberg. It is an PIC32MX measuring temperature and pressure with a BMP085. Data logging is done with an ESP8266 interfacing it over the usart interface with AT commands.