This is the Live Weather and Air Quality of Santoshpur, Kolkata, India. Provides the current temperature, pressure and humidity, Air Quality Index 1.0, 2.5 and 10. Running on a battery powered ESP32 paired with BME680 sensor and PMS7003 sensor.
Air quality data measured using a WeatherDuino Pro2 Plus weather station
A WeatherDuino Pro2 Air Quality Monitor station located in Canberra
This data is from a WeatherDuino Pro2 PLUS - Air Quality Monitor development module. Weather station is located in Darra, QLD Australia.
This data displays the air quality information gathered from the Palmy Weather website based in Palmerston North, New Zealand -
Amateur air pollution monitoring station in Skierniewice, Poland. Air pollution monitoring channel updates every 30 minutes with PM10, PM2,5 and PM1 readings from LookO2, a Plantower PMS5003 based sensor. Moving averages and computed AQI available.
Data from Air Quality Sensors connected to a WeatherDuino Pro2 PLUS system by Werk_AG
Mesures de quelques paramètres caractérisants un intérieure de maison. Measurements of some parameters characterizing a house interior.
Data presented here is from an WeatherDuino - Air Quality Monitor development system.
This channel will collect the data about your air quality.
Monitoring air quality (particulate matter) and CO2 concentration in Yangon with SDS011 & MH-Z19B NDIR sensors. Current development station is installed Botataung township.