A weather forecaster (weathercaster) table clock powered by NodeMCU (ESP8266 & DHT22 Temperature Sensor).
ESP8266 NodeMCU based clock, 60 NeoPixels ring display with DHT22, LDR, PIR and Audio sensors. Tracks CheerLights, updates no-IP and posts log data to ThingSpeak and Twitter.
mixed info from https://simple-circuit.com/arduino-datalogger-sd-card-ds3231-dht22/ and https://nicuflorica.blogspot.com/2019/03/termostat-simplu.html
I am building many sensors using nodemcu and lua trying to connect everything together.. Have a look at my other thingspeak pages: https://thingspeak.com/channels/145827
Centro de Meteorologia CSB [:] Arduino NANO [:] Raspberry Pi 3B+