Data presented here are from my WeatherDuino 4Pro mobile Air Quality Monitor - at this moment from CZ, Brandys/L
Data presented here are from my WeatherDuino 4Pro meteo station, Air Quality Monitor - from CZ, Brandys/L
MH-Z19B High accuracy Carbon Dioxide NDIR-type sensor 0/10.000 ppm • BMP280 digital pressure & temperature sensor • DHT22 Humidity & temperature capacitive-type sensor • NodeMCU ESP8266 LUA v3 • Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Simple device for CO2 measurement at Exa, UNICEN, Tandil, Argentina.
Simple device for CO2 measurement at Exa, UNICEN, Tandil, Argentina.
Simple portable meteo station with Temp, Pressure, CO2, and humidity sensors. Also it has LCD display. Connected over wifi. Based on: NodeMCU(ESP8266), BME280, MH-Z19B, 0.96" 128x64 i2c OLED blue Blynk was replaced by ThingSpeek:
Clock with CO2 and temperature sensor MH-Z19B and air quality sensor BME680