ESP8266 NodeMCU based clock, 60 NeoPixels ring display with DHT22, LDR, PIR and Audio sensors. Tracks CheerLights, updates no-IP and posts log data to ThingSpeak and Twitter.
Several sound pressure level values (preprocessed by our embedded measuring device) are plotted
Sound Monitor at Burnham Station; reporting dB next to the CN train tracks - St Charles Air Line
sound level measurement with 4 outdoor class 1 sound sensors in The Netherlands
This ThingSpeak channel logs motion detection and sound levels in a workspace to analyze environmental factors affecting productivity.
It's a voice-activated light-sensitive light.Contains a light and sound sensor and an LED actuator.
Monitoring and Measuring Noise Level in Workshop Area By Alkahfi Ariq's Sound Level Meter
Sound in Decibel. Decibel Level: 0-20dB, Description: silence, with hardly any audible sound , Harm: none; 20-40dB, Description: quiet murmur, Harm: none ; 40-60dB, Description: normal indoor conversation, Harm: none; 60-70dB, Description: clamor, l
A project being implemented for IoT lesson in postgraduate studies of A.T.E.I Thessaloniki's on APPLIED ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS. In this project, a KY-038 sound sensor is connected to an ESP32-WROOM-32D development board.