ESP32--Data Logger recording data at 15 minute interval. Treyburn Lakes, Indianapolis, IN 46239
Autonomous weather station, located in Bento Gonçalves - RS - Brazil. Hardware used: Wemos D1 Mini Pro (ESP8266) + Photovoltaic Solar Panel + BME280 sensor + TP 4056 Charging Board
Lolin D1 Mini with Environmental Shields, Battery Shield and OLED Display for Portable Use
temperature and humidity from my room using DHT22 and WeMos D2 Mini (use deep sleep mode betweeen transmisions)
Breathe2 air quality monitoring device. More info:
Location: Ivanka pri Dunaji, Bratislava, Slovakia Hardware used: DHT22 for temp and hum. BMP280 for relative pressure and temp TSL25911 for measuring light intensity SI1145 for measuring UV index Wemos D1 as a CPU 1.5W 12V Solar Panel LiFePo4 186
Wemos, BME280 weather station using deep sleep (10 min update data) powered with battery and solar panel
Croatia Zagreb, Wemos, BME280 and DHT22 weather station using deep sleep (10 min update data) powered with battery and solar panel
Estación de recogida de datos (Wemos) con sensores de temperatura, humedad, potenciómetros y LDR