This channel has the purpose to count how many people asist to one place like bus, store, market, etc
--- Proyek Sistem Digital (Plug F) --- Oleh: - Luqman Mukhorrobin (123140085) - Romi Prasandi (123150043) - Nurman Purba Firmanto (123150124) - Jaluanda Parama (123150131) @UPN 'Veteran' Yogyakarta
This project enables us to monitor the heart beat remotely over internet. Many suggestion can be made to improve their health condition based on their heart beat count.
Plant Monitoring System used to automate the growth of plants using raspberry pi and show users the data from the server.
monitoring soil moisture, surrounding temperature and humidity, and light intensity
I use: * NodeMCU * T1592p Rain sensor * GL5528 Photoresistor * Hc-sr501 Motion detector * TMP36 Temperature resistors * DHT22 Temperature and humidity sensor
I am currently setting up my Raspberry Pi 2. While doing so, I am enabling upload of some, more or less, important parameters, showing status of the device.