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flood water Update sensor ( Done by - Aryan, Samarth, Kunal, Vishwadity, Rajvardhan.)
This channel collects temperature, humidity, and light data from sensors and sends the data to ThingSpeak for visualization and monitoring.
Simulation Nodemcu with sensor mpu6050 3 acceleration for FFT
IoT-Based Real-time Monitoring and Notification System for Environmentally Responsible Catalytic Converter Emissions and PUC Status. This cutting-edge system utilizes advanced technology to continuously assess catalytic converter performance, ensuring mi
Receiving environmental data from a Raspberry Pi Zero W connected to a BME280 sensor mounted outside on a North facing wall. Chart shows last 7 days.
This channel is used to visualize the live lightning data in Malacca area. This Integrated Design Project for academic purpose only. All right reserved.
Proyecto Final de la Asignatura de Arquitectura de Computadoras Grupo 3 Integrantes: - Aznaran Cabrera, Gerson Eduardo - Calixto Goñe, Fabrizio Alonso
Monitoring pH, TDS, Suhu, dan Volume tandon warna orange + kelembapan tanah dan suhu tanah menggunakan sensor pH, sensor TDS, sensor DS18B20, soil moisture, arduino, nodeMCU, dan Thingspeak