Particle photon temperature reading using dht22, Air Quality using Seeed Air Quality Grove Sensor and Planttower Dust Sensor
DIY MCU Coffee Plant Channel - **ESP8266, DHT22, VH400, TSL2561, BMP180**, MQTT (Server:, Wildcard subscription: sensors/OP-477895/#), Twitter:
ESP8266 thing measuring indoor temperature and humidity on my cottage.
This channel shows temperature and pressure logged by Raspberry Pi and a BMP180 sensor. Using RPiSpy's implementation. Also includes data from DHT22 AM2 302
Outdoor Environmental Quality station. Arduino + Esp8266 + Dht22 + Bmp180 + Light Meter
Relevé de sonde DHT22 et BMP180 avec une nodemcu codée sous IDE Arduino
This is the complete sensor suite at a particular time. Atmospheric pressure is adjusted to sea level. This data is acquired with an ESP8266 Wemos using the source code at