Sistema de detección de gases de combustión pre incendio en las sierras de Córdoba
Average Pollution intensity is obtained through this channel which helps provide alternate path.
This channel is used to store the sensor data and thus analyzing it to get best optimized path in google maps.
The Air Quality IoT System utilizes ESP8266 as the primary connectivity module, complemented by a Buzzer and LED for visual and audio notifications. Data from sensors such as MQ-135 for CO2, NH3 and Smoke, MQ-9 for CO, DHT11 for temperature and humidity a
Mediciones de calidad del aire para el curso de generación de proyectos IoT con Arduino
Monitorización de parámetros de la calidad del aire. CO2, CO, Alcohol. Curso IoT CEFIRE
Proyecto IoT: Canal Monitorización de parámetros de calidad del aire: CO2, CO y Alcohol.
Monitorización de parámetros de calidad del aire, CO", Co y Alcohol. Curso IOt del Cida.
Gráficas de la calidad del aire: CO2, CO y alcohol con sensor MQ135
Monitorización de parámetros de calidad del aire. CO2, Co y Alcohol. Curso IoT del CIDA.
Channel that registers data from our whater/pollution station and feeds our website.
This channel monitors real-time carbon emissions from motorcycles and other fuel-powered vehicles. It collects data on key exhaust gases, including CO, CO₂, NOₓ, and hydrocarbons, to analyze environmental impact and ensure efficient combustion. Designed f