Weather from my backyard
Meteo station colect Humidity, Temperature, Pressure data and analize
Temperature, Relative Humidity, Pressure, and VOC Recorder
Sensor data from a WPI student team's high altitude balloon payload.
This weather station allows measuring the following parameters: Temperature, percentage of humidity and pressure through the BME280 sensor; Percentage of CO2 and TVOC through the CCS811 sensor; O2 concentration through the Groove O2 sensor; PM 1.0 and PM
ESP8266-NodeMCU-12E-BME280 Located at Ernakulam , Kerala , India.
This weather station, build by Didáxis students, allows you to measure the temperature, percentage of humidity, pressure, percentage of carbon dioxide, TVOC, oxygen concentration and light level.
Temperature, Humidity and Pressure using a ESP8266 and a BME280