ESP8266-05, Arduino Nano, DS18B20 waterproof sensor + BME280 with WEMOS D1 + DHT22 with ESP8266 (MatrixClock by Wolle / schreibfaul1)
Monitoring the growing conditions of my garden hydroponics system.
Temperature and humidity in Antonovo, Bulgaria. Temperature is measured by two Dallas DS18B20 temp sensors and DHT11 is used for Relative Humidity, the data is sent through ESP8266.
Location: Germany (BW); Measurement of air quality with ccs811 sensor and raspberry pi.
Ensayos y prototipado con placa ESP32 y sensores compatibles.
ESP82266 as a base. Firmware WiFi-IoT. DS18B20 in a sealed enclosure, reference air temperature. SHT31 for temperature and humidity. BMP280 for atmospheric pressure. BH1750 for light level.