Horizon Energy's 100kW Cupar project. Check out our weather!
Solar water heating system. Direct coupled separate vac tube array connected to a well insulted 150 litre Geyser using natural thermo-siphon for heat transfer. Electric element backup is connected with timer set on from 18h00 to 20h00.
ESP-WROOM-32 and BME280 powerd by an 6V 1W Solarpanel with an 2000mAh LiPo. The device is up for 1300ms and sleeps for 10 minutes. Current while sleep is about 11µA, and at uptime about 100mA.
ESP-WROOM-32 and BME280 powerd by a 2000mAh LiPo battery. Sleepcurrent about 11µA. Uptime current about 100mA.
ESP-WROOM-32 on a selfmade PCB-layout with an BME280 sensor. Powered by an 1W 6V Solarcell and a 2000mAh LiPo Battery. The device is up for 1300ms and sleeps 10 minutes. The current while sleeping is about 11µA and at uptime about 100mA.
Raw values taken from Solar Analysis on channel 123452. Temperature and humidity are measured under a solar geyser on the roof.
Monitor der PV Anlage Speicherung der Wetterdaten von openweathermap.org für Cloudiness, Temperatur und WetterId und Wetterbeschreibung in den Channel Status WetterId Bedeutung siehe http://openweathermap.org/weather-conditions
TTN network heartbeat / Node: Moteino Mega with RFM95 / Solar: from a Solar Wall Light / Pwr: LiPo Rider 1.3 & 2000mA LiPo battery
kleine autarke Wetter-Station mit ESP8266, Bme280, Solarzelle und Lion-Akku
The Raspberry checks the temperatures and controls the water tank. If the water is too colt for the bathroom, heat it up. The raspberry has solid state relays to switch the heating elements and the pump.