temp, humidity, dew point, pressure. I'm using BME280 sensor connected to an ESP8266-12E.
Live readings of the current humidity, temperature, light, and occupancy conditions in the greenhouse.
Projeto simples de medição da intensidade do sinal Wi-fi de uma rede com a placa ESP8266, que serve como um exemplo prático do funcionamento da internet das coisas.
Datos meteorológicos obtenidos de Sensores DHT11 y Modulo LDR Fotoresistencia
Paul PWS Godów - cenrtum, pow. wodzisławski, woj. śląskie. Stacja podaje dane aktualne oraz archiwalne. Odczyty z czujników są aktualizowane co 3 minuty.
LoLin ESP-12E ESP8266/NodeMCU SB/MC with Bosch BME280 Weather Sensor
LoLin ESP-12E ESP8266/NodeMCU SB/MC with Bosch BME280 Weather Sensor
Automated batcall reporter based on Ardubat v3.4 shield adapted for RobotDyn D1r2
Nina-Surf , Simple weather station near the lake Peipsi Estonia for surfers. Program is written thanks Bunny: https://github.com/bunnyhu/D1_mini_weatherstation Data are sending also: https://www.windguru.cz/station/1352
SurfTamme , Simple weather station near the lake Võrtsjärv Estonia for surfers. Program is written thanks Bunny: https://github.com/bunnyhu/D1_mini_weatherstation Data are sending also: https://www.windguru.cz/station/1284