This is the second device that I am building and is based now on BME280
Analisis de Calidad del Aire Estacion de monitorero de PM2.5 & PM10 + Temperatura + Humedad + Presion ESP8266 & HPMA115S0 & BME280 f = 30 s Loma de Las Brujas - Envigado - Colombia
data from Raspberry Pi BME280 sensor project on
The channels shows the measured values from a IoT-Node. Every time the Node wakes up, it reads the values out and send them to a raspberry pi over LORA radio interface. In the next step the MQTT client transmit the data to the ThingSpeak platform.
Temperature, Pressure, Altitude, and Humidity for Chemung County location
Data logging of temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure read by a BME280 and submitted by an ESP8266.