The video (not mine!) explains the settings of a similar system I am using. For more info, go to Other sites where I publish live data:
Beehive 1 - the scale-system is installed now below the beehive and is sending live data of the various sensors to this Thingspeak channel.
Hier wird alle 30 Minuten das Wetter aus Langenhagen via eines Raspberry Pi gesendet
Anzahl der aktuell empfangenen Flugzeugtransponder in Hannover (Aktualisierung alle 5 min) via Raspberry Pi und DUMP1090
A Raspberry Pi + DHT22 used to monitor temperature and humidity in one of the rooms in KSJ
Raspberry Pi monitoring project: our flat indoor temperature, humidity and barometric pressure monitoring with BME280 sensor by Python3 script.
Darkness monitoring located in Ca De Frati, Arezzo - ITALY