Lariano (Metropolitan City of Rome) - Lazio - Italy CAP 00076 - Lat: 41.72° Lon: 12.82° Alt: 350m s.l.m. Via Castello D'Ariano, 67
Lariano (Metropolitan City of Rome) - Lazio - Italy CAP 00076 - Lat: 41.72° Lon: 12.82° Alt: 350m s.l.m. Via Castello D'Ariano, 67
Temperature, Humidity and Light sensor values from NodeMcu
Weather Station at Musselmans Lake - measuring - Light, Noise, Dust, Temperature, Humidity and Atmospheric Pressure every 30 mins.
Solar powered weather station based on a ESP8285 board and a few sensor. Use a 75F 5.4V supercap as energy storage. Target to be as low power as possible.