Autonomous weather station, located in Bento Gonçalves - RS - Brazil. Hardware used: Wemos D1 Mini Pro (ESP8266) + Photovoltaic Solar Panel + BME280 sensor + TP 4056 Charging Board
Stazione meteorologica di Alassio fotografAle fotografo professionista Dati aggiornati automaticamente ogni 10min Sistema sperimentale basato su Raspberry Pi B.
Station Météorologique Autonome - WIFI - Bluetooth - GPS. En cours de test.
Ο καιρός στην Ιπποκράτειο Πολιτεία MeteoArduino, SHT31-D, BME280
Mediciones de presión atmosférica, temperatura y humedad obtenidas en la localidad pirenaica aragonesa de Labuerda.
Portable Weather Station - Located at the old city of Jerusalem Musa Abu Hadeed