ESP8266 for connect to internet. BME280: 1. Temperature 2. Humidity 3. Pressure 4. Aprox. Altitude 5. mmHg BH1750: 1. Light (LUX)
Temperature, humidity and dust density of air in my area measured using RPi0+GP2Y1010AU0F+BMP280+DHT11
This weather station was designed by Karl Berger. This weather station was built by Turner Bumbary and he hopes to use the weather data to forecast weather in developing countries.
Temperature, Humidity and Air Pressure using NodeMCU v2 and Bosch BME280 Barometric Sensor
Power Node sensor with bme280, measures temperature, humidity, pressure and battery voltage. Sends measurements to gsm master node every 10 min. Current consumption ~ 10uA at 2.6V.
ESP8266 running NodeMCU with a DHT11 to report humidity and a BMP180 to report pressure and temperature. The Sensor also reports battery voltage which is 2xAA batteries. Photo:
First test of ESP8266 with NodeMCU firmware. Data are read from pressure sensor BMP085, humidity sensor DHT11, and temperature sensor DS18x20. Everything is powered with ATMEGA328p