ESP8266 NodeMCU based clock, 60 NeoPixels ring display with DHT22, LDR, PIR and Audio sensors. Tracks CheerLights, updates no-IP and posts log data to ThingSpeak and Twitter.
Estación Meteorológica Ciudadela, Buenos Aires, Argentina Sensores BME680, LDR. Conección WiFi - ESP8266
Sistem Pemantau Suhu, Kelembaban, Intensitas Cahaya, Gas Pada Ruangan LPIK dengan Sensor LM 35, LDR, MQ-2, DHT 11 dan ESP8266 Berbasis IoT.
esp32, dht22, ldr, rgbled, potentiométre, temp, hum, luminosité, graph_led
Formação 2021 - CFAE Dr. Rui Grácio / Arduino e Sensores na web / Universidade do Algarve. Materiais: Arduino com Ethernet Shield; sensor de temperatura e humidade DHT11; LDR (luz). Atualizado a cada 10 minutos.
IoT project by O.Lakshmi Srinivas P E Abhishek David P B Manish Kumar.
Simple weather station running on a NodeMCU (V3 - ESP8266) reporting data from a BMP180 sensor, a DHT11 and an LDR.
Located at Institute for Software Integrated Systems (Vanderbilt University)
ESP8266 201 based Cat fountain with DHT22, DS18B20, LDR, PIR, water level sensors and automatic pump. Posts log data to ThingSpeak and Twitter.
Sensor de Temperatura y Humedad creado con la placa WeMos D1 y el sensor DHT11, y LDR