IoT demostration for de Arduino Day 2018 on write by Eduardo Fórneas
This project is logs my home's air data and the traffic state of some route, and shows to web or app
This project is logs my home's air data and the traffic state of some route, and shows to web or app
A Raspberry Pi + DHT22 used to monitor temperature and humidity in one of the rooms in KSJ
Arduino UNO com sensor DHT22 e módulo sim900A para o Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas do Instituto Federal do Piauí - Campus Picos. Sistema de monitoramento de temperatura umidade em um depósito de munições.
Here you see the temperature and humidity of my Santiago Lab in real time
Validación de la temperatura y humedad de un NODO de redes NGN
This is a example project for a module in my studies at the fhnw. The major is in data science