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Stazione Meteo Outdoor - Noale (VE)View | Solar Weather Station, ESP8266, sensors BME280 and BH1750 | stazione meteo, mecuy62, weather station, esp8266, bme280, iw3hbx, bh1750, noale, venezia, hassio, esphome, node-red, thingspeak42 |
Stazione Meteo Indoor-Outdoor - Noale (VE)View | Weather Station ESP8266, Oled 1.3" and DHT22 sensor | stazione meteo, mecuy62, dht22, weather station, esp8266, iw3hbx, oled, hassio, esphome, node-red, thingspeak42 |
Stazione Meteo Indoor-Outdoor - Mantova (MN)View | Weather Station ESP8266, Oled 1.3" and DHT22 sensor | stazione meteo, mecuy62, dht22, weather station, esp8266, dew point, punto di rugiada, iw3hbx, oled, hassio |
Weather Station by Андрей УшаковView | Weather Station by Андрей Ушаков in Noale | stazione meteo, mecuy62, weather station, esp8266, bme280, iw3hbx, noale, venezia, андрей ушаков, hassio, mq-4 |