Recopila información de sensores ambientales: DHT, BMP280 y YL-69
Recopila información de sensores ambientales: DHT, BMP280 y YL-69
Registro para las lecturas de un sensor DHT22 transmitidos a traves de un ESP32
This channel collects temperature and humidity data from an ESP32 microcontroller and DHT22 sensor.
This channel collects temperature and humidity data from an ESP32 microcontroller and DHT22 sensor.
Weather station in Brig Valais. It is solar powered and uses wifi to upload the data. Hardware used: TP4056, ESP8266, DHT22, 3.7V 1500mah LiPo battery, 6V 400mA Solar Panel
Rede de Estações Meteorológicas Automáticas Didáticas Experimentais
Logging greenhouse humidity and temperature with a NodeMCU / DHT22 sensor