Humidity, Temperature and Dew Point outside my house. Temperature is measured by a waterproof version of the DS18B20 and humidity is taken by the DHT22. I plan to add more sensors(barometer, pluviometer, anemometer) by the end of 2017.
Gemessen mit DS18B20 Sensor am Raspberry Pi. Vom 01.05.2018 bis ca. 15.05.2018 gaert hier unser Batch #36, das "Bregnebrygg Hefeweizen 2018", vor sich hin .
Temperatura obtenida con sensor de temperatura DS18B20 resistente al agua y placa Wemos D1 Mini para la vereda calefaccionada con resistencia eléctrica.
Temperature reading with a Raspberry Pi and DS18B20 thermometer in a glass of Gin and Tonic
Arduino based weather station in Trieste (Italy). Esp8266 is used for wifi connection. On a balcony, direction ~NNE (sun is seen until ~10AM)