Air temperature and humidity, including air pressure and inside air quality sensors running on an ESP32 and a solar powered ESP8266.
Shows data from a Heltec ESP32 Wifi Lora 32, sensors: 1. CJMCU 811 (eCo2 and TVOC, CCS811) 2. Bosch BME280 sensor 3. LDR. Added custom DewPoint and scatter plot for humidity and temperature relation.
BME280 Conectado ao ESP-32 enviando Pressão Atmosférica, Umidade e Temperatura
A bme680 sensor is connected to an ESP32 IOT device for measurements in a home. Τhis project is implemented as part of a lab exercise for the “IoT Applications” course, MSc in Applied Electronic Systems, Department of Electronic Engineering ΑTEI of Thess
This channel is made for my class “Applications of IoT”, in Master of Science "Applied Electronic System" - ATEITh. Here you can see the recorded values of my Heart Beat. For this application the ESP-WROOM-32 module is used , along with the PulseSensor.
Pateikiama kambario temperatūra ir drėgmė. Tikrinama kaip veikia MQTT protokolas ir ESP32 kontroleris.