weather forecasting IOT project capturing temperature, humidity, rainfall , wind speed, and more.
Solar Weather Station @Yokohama Japan esp8266, BME280, INA219, ADS1115, NJL7502L, Solar, Battery, aa, NiMH
Monitoring internal and external greenhouse environment on ESP32 with AHT20 and BMP280. ESP32 is running Annex RDS.
Outdoor temperature,humidity and atmospheric pressure in Taipei,Taiwan.
Temperatura, humedad y presion atmosferica. En Interiores y Exterior
Pomiary temperatury, ciśnienia, wilgotności i stanu baterii.
BME280 for temperature, humidity, pressure SPS30 for particulate, K30 for C02
BME280 for temperature, humidity, pressure SPS30 for particulate k30 for co2
BME280 for temperature, humidity, pressure, SPS30 for particulate, K30 for CO2
BME280 for temperature, humidity, pressure SPS30 for particulate, K30 for CO2 (Sarah Hernandez's air quality sensor for 12.335 course)