Channel to monitor Real-time data from an IoT-based Smart Home Sensor System
ESP8266-01 + BME280 + 5V 60mA Solar Panel + 2x AA NiMH rechargeable batteries
Centro de Meteorologia CSB [:] Arduino NANO [:] Raspberry Pi 3B+
Contains necessary variables and fields for lamp two. Collects data on street lights to analyse the street lamp environment and make meaning from it .
Contains necessary variables and fields for lamp one . Collects data on street lights to analyse the street lamp environment and make meaning from it .
Temperatura (ºC) e umidade relativa do ar (%) na cidade de Mirassol D'Oeste, Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Fuso GMT -4. Freqüência 1 atualização cada 10min. Margem de erro: ±0.5ºC e ±2% com resolução de 0.1º e 0.1%.
Monitoring of my chilli growing environment using a Arduino Uno with the ESP8266 together with a DHT11 sensor, soil moisture sensor and a photoresistor. Data is sampled every 5 min.
Uses the ESP8266-01 with a DHT11 for Temperature and Humidity. Requires Arduino IDE and programming the ESP8266
Temperature,humidity, 3 channel lights, one channel ventilation, daylight sensor, movement sensor,