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Temperature and Relative Humidity from node1 on NoMADA® Pro+ Board. Current measurement of Desktop PC from node2 on NoMADA® Pro+ Board.
This channel logs real-time temperature and humidity data using an ESP32 and HTU21D sensor. It measures and displays the data on an OLED screen and sends it to the cloud for remote monitoring.
Simple meteo station measured in Warsaw, Poland. Temperature inside and outside, humidity and pressure sensors. Weather station based no STM32 & Wroom-02.
"Estación de Prueba v1.2" Por el momento mide temperatura y humedad, cada minuto, en la Ciudad de México, Zona Norte
Weather Sensor Microwave movement BMP280, HTU21D, RCWL-0516, DS18B20 x2 & LDR for indoor use.
Melexis MLX90614 IR temp sensor, PIR Movment Sensor, BMP280, HTU21D, humidity