Measures and records flow from tile drains at the AERF field at the SROC in Waseca. Particle Boron with the Xenon mesh network.
House Plant Monitor for Particle Plant Mesh Network. Measures Voltage levels of various particle mesh plant monitors
House Plant Monitor for Particle Plant Mesh Network. Measures Humidity levels of various houseplants
Demo project for IoT workshops - SparkFun weather station connected by the Particle Electron - data processed by MATLAB.
BME280 environment sensor connected to a Particle Photon
Data from a Particle Photon sent to ThingSpeak via Particle Webhooks
Particle Core with Outdoor Temperature, P:article Photon testing a DS1820B
Humidity and Temperature from a DHT22 in an acoustic guitar case.
Collect and display air temperature, humidity and water tank volume data.
A Particle Electron with an SHT21 temperature/humidity sensor and an OLED display. A pot sets the threshold, and it triggers a webhook to send an email via mailgun. It also triggers an email if the power goes off and it's running on its backup Lipo batter
Logging temperature from a photon mounted to the wall right behind the stove.
A Particle Photon reading an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to calculate the amount of water left in a Greer vertical cylindrical 1550 gallon tank.