This is GGreg20_V3 ionizing radiation detector module with SBM20 tube. Kyiv, Ukraine Also im tweeting live at
Microclimate Weather broadcast for 91977 - NodeMCU ESP-12E v1 - Temperature & Humidity - Barometric pressure - Ambient light - Argent Anemometer/Vane - Argent Rain gauge
Weather station based on esp8266 and BME280 sensor. Upload to every 1 minutes. Read data from sensor every 3 seconds and post them on serial and oled screen. Every 3 minutes i get data from
Formação 2021 - CFAE Dr. Rui Grácio / Arduino e Sensores na web / Universidade do Algarve. Materiais: NodeMCU ESP8266; sensor de temperatura e humidade DHT11. Atualizado a cada 32 segundos.
nodeMCU ESP8266 with DS18B20 and 14 segment display inside a mirror
This channel implements a Telecontrol project. There are fields for temperature measurement, and two fields to store the status of two channels controlled via Talkback. The APP read the values of the channels fields, to assure that the command has been
Homebrew fermentation bubble watch. Currently brewing 'German Pilsner' og 1.059