Az Időkép automatám napelemes töltőjének állapota, valamint helyi fényerősség és hőmérséklet, páratartalom mérés.
Proyecto elaborado por Arnulfo Sierra Morales mediante DIY--Arduino y ESP32, con algunos sensores como BMP180 para Presión Atmosférica y Altura, GY30 intensidad luz natural a la sombra. DHT11 temparatura, porcentaje de humedad y sensación termica. Vigente
Running Arduino code on a ESP32 based board with a Li-Ion battery. Using a BME280 sensor (temperature, humidity and air pressure) and wind direction, wind speed and rainfall. Sending data to Thingspeak, Wunderground and Access the stati
Experimental channel running in the room of Pista. Hadware: DHT22 sensor + ESP32 WiFi module. Software: Arduino IDE
Anlage A1: pH-Wert, Füllstand und Temperatur von Zulauf, Ablauf und Teich
Explorando o @CheerLights como meio de instrução para a programação da placa ESP32 Heltec V2.
This is a C and C++ based IoT project in which we use an ESP32 microcontroller with some modules attached to it. We use a DHT11 module to provide weather data in real time, such as temperature and air humidity, every 10 seconds on an LCD.
Control of the presence of voltage in the network. Control of the presence of voltage of three generator lines, in the absence of mains voltage. Linear current distribution symmetry control.