Weather Station of Turkey, Ankara. Solar powered WIFI Weather Station
An attempt to a weather station for astronomy purposes. Temperature (°C), Relative Humidity (%), Rain detection (0 : wet, 1: dry), Cloud detection (°C,< -25: clear,>-10: overcast), custom Sky quality meter (Mag/arcsec²),Dewpoint, Windspeed (km/h)
weather station for an automatic garden for the growth and care of plants.
Indoor and Out Door Air Parameter Using Bosh BME 680 , Bosh Library, Borang, Sako, Palembang, Indonesia
Simply Weather Station ESP8266 located in Sosnowiec (POLAND)
Solar backyard greenhouse weather station based on the Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V2.0 by opengreenenergy
Este canal monitorea 3 variables meteorológicas de un prototipo, las cuales son: temperatura, humedad y velocidad del viento. Además proporciona el estado de la batería que alimenta a la estación.
Indoor Air Parameter Using Bosh BME 680 , Bosh Library, Borang, Sako, Palembang, Indonesia
Esta estación cuenta con un sensor de temperatura (DS18B20), uno de temperatura y humedad (DHT22), un anemómetro, una veleta y un pluviómetro (Weather Sensor Assembly p/n 80422).
Weather station in Brig Valais. It is solar powered and uses wifi to upload the data. Hardware used: TP4056, ESP8266, DHT22, 3.7V 1500mah LiPo battery, 6V 400mA Solar Panel