Monitoreo de lombricomposta con IoT en el Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario No. 24
Channel for monitoring my Neocaridina shrimp tank using the ESP8266
Pressure sensors connected to an ESP8266 microcontroller on the CHRHS cafe compost station to measure the weight of compost being collected. For calibrated results, see
Temperatures at a cabin in Willow Canyon, Catalina Mountains, near Tucson, Arizona. Readings are taken outside, inside, and in the crawl space under the cabin. Also, some readings from Tucson --
Überwachen der Temperatur von: • PWH-H (Warmwasserbereiter) • Aussentemperatur (Fassade Ostseite) • Fußbodenheizung Vorlauf • Fußbodenheizung Rücklauf • Kältemitteltemp. (gasförmig) • Kältemitteltemperatur (flüssig)
Weather station using an ATmega2560 and ESP8266 Author: Nikola Bogdanov
NodeMCU ESP8266 with DHT22, BMP180, ML8511, MQ135 & KY037 sensors
Monitorizando temperatura y humedad con DHT11 conectada a ESP-01 ESP8266
Monitorizando la luz que incide en una LDR conectada a NodeMCU ESP8266