T/H sensor data from the RX unit Weatherduino Pro2 compact of the weather station pWS_Sun_Dancer1
Raspberry Pi monitoring project: our flat indoor temperature, humidity and barometric pressure monitoring with BME280 sensor by Python3 script.
A classroom weather station using a DHT22 and Raspberry Pi Zero W.
This is the Live Weather and Air Quality of Santoshpur, Kolkata, India. Provides the current temperature, pressure and humidity, Air Quality Index 1.0, 2.5 and 10. Running on a battery powered ESP32 paired with BME680 sensor and PMS7003 sensor.
Server room monitoring with DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor by a NodeMCU ESP12-E control device.
DHT11 temperature & humidity sensor at ScaDS.AI on NodeMCU
uC :ESP8266 sensors:SHT31+BME280 Solar powered system. Windy pws https://www.windy.com/station/pws-f069e60d?41.081,28.258,8