Uses D1 Mini with configuration stored in RTC memory. Data updates every 10 minutes here and on The device is housed in an AcuRite Instrument Shield. Near-term (12-hour) forecast uses the Zambretti algorithm:
Monitor de temperatura mediante una placa NodeMCU (ESP8266).
ESP8266+Nodemcu+LUA+2 белки Тёма и Маня. Датчик установлен в колесе и показывает онлайн активность зверьков, скорость за минуту и общий пробег в км.
Bors out sensors based on ESP8266 and my previous weater station. Out-1 is at south and under a roof.
Particulate Matter PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10 measurements using PMS5003 sensor connected with ESP8266 board. Sample frequency: 10 minutes. Indoor environment.
registra i dati della temperatura interna, fotocellula e PIR. è la Casetta.