ESP8266, DHT22, BMP280, Raindrop sensor. Monitoring Temperature, Humidity, Barometric pressure, and Rain status (24 hours range). By: Arkan (YG2BXP)
Data from weatherstation located in Korolev, Moscow region. Taken with Davis Vantage Pro 2
Weather measures from Arduino barometer & solar-powered ESP8266 anemometer weather station in Tauranga, New Zealand
Canal para guardar temperatura, humedad y presión atmosférica del dispositivo DIPOMAC
A portable sensor station located in different parts of the garden, so we can measure conditions before planting
Mini Weather Station -Embedded System design project: ESP8266 esp01s, DHT11, BMP280
ESP8266, Movement, LDR, Barometric, Temperature, BME280, DS18B20, Humidity, PO19