Iot-based monitoring system that collects the data from experimental testing for dual-axis solar tracker in Taman Universiti, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor.
Überwachung verschiedener Parameter im Garten in Oberursel
This is a live data feed of my custom Arduino powered weather station. It uses LoRa to transmit data every 20 seconds.
Here are voltages from a series bank of three parallel trios of 400F, 2.7V supercapacitors regulated by an MSP430 to balance and stay under 7.3V. They are charged from a 5.2W, 9V solar panel.
The 5 minute average charge input into the 100Ah/24 Battery from the 400W solar panels
The graphical sketch of all the calculated weather parameters are given below-
Remote monitoring of solar system parameters and battery bank status with automated auxiliary battery charger control.
A portable sensor station located in different parts of the garden, so we can measure conditions before planting
400 Watts Solar Panel, 20A SRNE ML2420 MPPT Controller, 180Ah battery, 24V system