The environmental data from DHT11 via ESP8266 recording the rented accommodation Temperature and Relative Humidity
EDP8266-12E with Arduino Nano I2C Slave posting MQ-XXX Sensor Data to monitor Air Quality
Bodenfeuchtekontrolle via Arduino und Hygrometer - Control rising damp via arduino and hygrometer
ESP8266, DHT22, BMP280, Raindrop sensor. Monitoring Temperature, Humidity, Barometric pressure, and Rain status (24 hours range). By: Arkan (YG2BXP)
Humidity & Temperature randomly Augmented Data, WGN( SNR ). Reference: Abid, Aymen, et al. "Machine Learning based Outlier Detection in IoT Greenhouse." 2024 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC). IEEE, 2024.
ESP82266 as a base. Firmware WiFi-IoT. DS18B20 in a sealed enclosure, reference air temperature. SHT31 for temperature and humidity. BMP280 for atmospheric pressure. BH1750 for light level.